Black Pearl Rosé 2011 vintage, NOW ON SALE!!!!

Meg is 4 years old and has spastic Quadreplegic Cerebal Palsy.
We are launching the second release of Meg's rosé wine called Black Pearl.
The idea for this fundraising effort came from winemaker & family friend Eleana Anderson of Mayford Wines ( who has lovingly donated her time and resources.
This wine is made from donated grapes grown in the Alpine Valleys by Mayford & Michelini wines, ( and bottled with assistance from Ringer Reef Wines ( and picked, bottled, labeled and packed by volunteers.
A big, huge thank you to all those who gave their time and assistance.
The rosé was certainly made with love, you can taste it in every bottle!
The funds raised from the sale of this wine will be used for Megs future needs,
including this year the purchase of her first wheelchair.
For sale at Alpine Visitor Centres, in Bright, Mt Beauty & Myrtleford, & Food, Wine, Friends in Bright or print the order form below and we will deliver! Please help us to help Meg. For wine enquiries please email Kate - Enjoy!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sleep glorious sleep!

Hi all, here is an email written to Helen Stevens from Safe Sleep Space I contacted her earlier in the year when someone had told me about this lady who was a whizz with kids with settling problems. I thought I would share it here because it is such BIG news!!!
Thanks for your support!!
Kate n Meg

Hi Helen, I am not sure if you remember us but we contacted you about 6 months ago. I live up near Bright N E Victoria and have a severely disabled daughter Meg almost 4 yo who has Cerebral Palsy.
You referred us to a sleep clinic. We never made it as things are just so overwhelming & hectic all the time. Anyway I just thought you would be interested to know that last week Meg (who is unable to communicate verbally) indicated that she wanted dad to leave the bedroom as he was trying to do her usual settling routine, (patting and singing) anyway she indicated using body language, pushing his hand away and he sat her up and asked her, do you want dad to go out so you can go to sleep by yourself? Meg answered with a big definate Nod! So dad left the room told Meg he would be right outside the door if she needed him. Meg went to sleep for the first time ever on her own - just like that! She has done it every night since, no grizzling, no crying - just tucked into bed with a kiss after a cuddle, there is a bit of snuffling and self settling and then off to sleep within 20 mins. We hadn't changed our settling routine much since we discussed the issues with you, we hadn't withdrawn our assistance - so I was completely blown away that Meg told us she was ready to do this. Anyway I thought you would be interested to hear about this as when we discussed Meg's sleeping issues I told you I was worried that I would be still singing and rocking Meg to sleep when she was 10 yo, I remember you saying that I probably would be unless we began to withdraw our assistance bit by bit. For me as a mum of this little amazing piece of humanity I am astounded by her all the time and really excited at the maturity that this little not quite 4 yo has shown us. all the best Kate Casley

And Helen's response, to lovely not to share!
Thank you Helen for your kind words. I have to admit they made me cry a little.

Dear Kate,

Of course I remember you, and fondly.... and of the struggles you were having. In all honesty I recall feeling how overwhelming your situation must be and how little assistance I was able to offer your family. I had wondered how you progresses.

I also recall my feelings of what an amazingly sensitive mother you were to your little Meg, and if any little girl will thrive it will be her, in the care of you and her dad.

Kate I am thrilled to hear from you and and even more reassured that YOU know your girl better than anyone, and will always be a wonderful advocate for her. This is a huge step for Meg in view of her dependence on having someone by her side to fall to sleep for all of her life. As parents, you have set Meg up so well to trust you that she is empowered to feel okay to do it for herself. What an amazing gift you have given her.

Thanks you for your update, and please keep in touch.
With kind regards and respect

*Helen Stevens*
Early Childhood Professional

To Donate to MegAid Bendigo BankMegAid TrustB
To Donate to MegAid Bendigo BankMegAid TrustBSB 633000Acct 137281846

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