Black Pearl Rosé 2011 vintage, NOW ON SALE!!!!

Meg is 4 years old and has spastic Quadreplegic Cerebal Palsy.
We are launching the second release of Meg's rosé wine called Black Pearl.
The idea for this fundraising effort came from winemaker & family friend Eleana Anderson of Mayford Wines ( who has lovingly donated her time and resources.
This wine is made from donated grapes grown in the Alpine Valleys by Mayford & Michelini wines, ( and bottled with assistance from Ringer Reef Wines ( and picked, bottled, labeled and packed by volunteers.
A big, huge thank you to all those who gave their time and assistance.
The rosé was certainly made with love, you can taste it in every bottle!
The funds raised from the sale of this wine will be used for Megs future needs,
including this year the purchase of her first wheelchair.
For sale at Alpine Visitor Centres, in Bright, Mt Beauty & Myrtleford, & Food, Wine, Friends in Bright or print the order form below and we will deliver! Please help us to help Meg. For wine enquiries please email Kate - Enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Calling all pregnant ladies!

I was telling my neighbour Terelle last week that I have started acosting pregnant ladies in the supermarket, down the street & anywhere I see them really!
Why you might ask?
Well we have gone through our journey here with our try at adult stem cell therapy to help Meg's cerebral Palsy, and in as much that the changes we have seen in her since the therapy have been minor, they have all been improvements & no negative impact whatsoever.
All the while in our research into the therapy we have seen major advances using cord blood stem cells - a major study at Duke University in the US is having amazing results using cord blood.
If only I had known about the posibility of saving our cord blood while I was pregnant and what a saftey net it poses for your new child.
So the poor pregnant ladies being aproached by a stranger and being told to ask their Dr about saving their cord blood at the birth of their child is me, just trying to make sure people are aware of the posibilities.
Terelle said I should put it up on the blog site - so here it is.
I am not saying accost pregnant women in the supermarket, but if you know any pregnant women you care about ask them........ I wish some one had done so with me while I was pregnant.


To Donate to MegAid Bendigo BankMegAid TrustBSB 633000Acct 137281846

1 comment:

  1. I looked into banking baby A's cord blood. The company that I spoke with seemed professional and well organised. We made the decision not to store it based solely on $. We'd just bought a house and simply couldn't afford it. I agree it could well be worthwhile, but it doesn't come cheap :-(.
